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  • Paulo

Middle East, Summer 2021

Updated: Aug 16, 2021

Part 2 of 2021's Middle Eastern adventures was much shorter than Part 1, about two and a half months shorter to be exact, but it still provided some great moments, and most importantly, some new snake species. The hope was that the heat of the summer would bring out some of the species that we'd missed during the time out here earlier in the year, and with the nights staying warmer for longer, give us more searching time. Which turned out to be not too far off the mark.

Arabia isn't just sand, although there still is a lot of sand...

Straight into my favourite moment, and inevitably, snake, of the trip; a beautiful little Schokari sand racer (Psammophis schokari) found just before sunset deep in the mountain badlands. With daytime temperatures easing well into the 40s, these slender solar-powered lightning-bolts are at a distinct advantage when it comes to a chase against a couple of friendly but knackered 30-something out-of-towners... But luckily as dusk fell over the mountains we were able to get a closer look at this amazing little snake.

Schokari sand racer, and the nice little neighbourhood this guy had chosen

New species number two came in the form of the beautifully patterned painted carpet viper (Echis coloratus), found late one hot night in an abandoned farm halfway down a mountain wadi. This was a species we'd definitely narrowly missed out on in the spring, so we were relieved as well as delighted to have this guy in our torchlights at last.

Painted carpet viper, the kind of carpet you'd be best off enjoying from a distance rather than feeling between your toes

The third snake species of the trip was one that we'd come to love from our 1st visit to this beautiful land, the always adorable diadem snake (Spalerosophis diadema). We got lost in the gigantic friendly eyes of a couple of these guys on the same weekend that we were lucky enough to spend some desert time with a Pharaoh eagle owl, and some Arabian wolves. All under a gigantic blanket of shining stars, pinning up to the desert's ceiling one of the darkest night skies I've ever seen.

Diadem snake, and those famous eyes........and some people say that snakes aren't cute..

There was the usual supporting cast of non-snakes too, including the entertaining Arabian toad-headed agamas (Phrynocephalus arabicus), who like to disappear in front of your eyes into their own giant duvet long before the Milky Way lights up the heavens and the wolves begin to move through the landscape.

Sunset at an oasis of calm (and no snakes..)

The Making Of.....Middle Eastern Diaries 2

The entire crew, of 4, either filming, filming the filming, or playing with a diadem snake....

Somewhere out there, is our Falsie

Probably illegal in all 50 states

The technical difficulty of bush photography increases when there is a snake in the way

They're domesticated farm animals really, but still Arabia wouldn't seen right without them

Our main tracker shows us the ropes

Our main tracker eats his Cheesy Poofs before dusk

Ridiculous, this is what 45c heat does to usually sensible grown ups

Because this is what it is all about

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